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What is neuropsychology

Neuropsychology is the science that combines psychology and neurology. It studies the connection between Cognition and Behavior, with the structure and function of the brain. The aim is to understand the cognitive functions of the human, namely the production of speech and thought, memory, attention, perception, decision making, problem solving and where each is based.

Where is it applied and how?

Neuropsychology is applied in research as well as in clinical practice.
In research, it deals with the study of the normal and pathological function of the brain, while in clinical practice he makes assessments through neuropsychological evaluations to identify diseases that concern cognitive and behavioral functions. The evaluation is done with special tests which are oral, visual, constructional, reading and writing. In addition, the collection of information about the patient is done with the help of special questionnaires and the clinical interview.

Neuropsychology and Therapeutic Intervention

The therapeutic intervention in these cases is done with the use of exercises aimed at strengthening cognitive functions. The neuropsychologist knows how to intervene therapeutically in each patient individually based on the results of the evaluations.

What services does the neuropsychologist offer?

The neuropsychologist has all the tools to assess a person’s cognitive functions. Through them, he can diagnose the diseases and ailments that the person has so that he can get the right therapeutic intervention.

Restoring and strengthening the mental capacity is very important for the functioning of the individual on a personal and social level. Knowing all the parameters, the neuropsychologist psycho-educates the patient and his family with all the necessary supplies to enable the recovery to have the best possible result.

During all these stages, the neuropsychologist helps the patient understand his situation, face any difficulties in his daily life and slowly lead to a better quality of life.

Why should a person consult a neuropsychologist?

People who can turn to a neuropsychologist are those who have noticed, either themselves or those close to them, that they present problems with their mental capacity, critical thinking and speech. In addition, family members or friends can ask for information and advice on how to deal with a person who has neuropsychological disorders, as well as carers for educational reasons.

The main reasons why someone should visit a neuropsychologist are the existence of craniocerebral injuries, strokes, brain tumors, etc.

People who suffer from neurological, neurodegenerative diseases or have been exposed to toxic conditions such as alcohol, drugs. Patients with psychiatric disorders and chronic use of psychotropic drugs.